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Query results for table SourceList

Shown: 1 rows out of 1 entries, from only project ALL, using 1 condition(s)

ROWNUM object_id quality view +PRIVILEGES project_id re-process instrument.name chip.name filter.name associatelist COMBINE_METHOD creation_date filters is_valid llDEC [deg] llRA [deg] lrDEC [deg] lrRA [deg] name number_of_sources OBJECT# SLID ulDEC [deg] ulRA [deg] urDEC [deg] urRA [deg]
1 object view qualityview 4 1 re-process WFC A5383-17-7 193 -1 -1 2006-06-26 10:44:10.000000 None 1 8.21832009435443 187.934499635605 8.21968807426174 187.74622600469 GAS-Sci-PHERAUDEAU-WFC-------193-A5383-17-7-Red---Sci-53877.7016908.fits.slist 165 V03 R 120s 40266 8.59168359334308 187.934870717581 8.59119778785336 187.74642044443

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The following query conditions were used:

  • SourceList.object_id = HEXTORAW('171F3B50CC8DD09DE0407D81C5067600')

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