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RegriddedBaseFrame Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnitVO-UCD
astromAstromInformation about the astrometry
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created time.epoch
filenamestrThe name of the associated file meta.id meta.file
filterFilterInformation about the filter instr.filter meta.id
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage meta.id
grid_targetGridTargetThe GridTarget object for the regridding operation
imstatImstatImage statistics for the frame
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument instr.obsty
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) meta.code
NAXIS1intLength of data in axis 1 pixelpos.wcs.naxis
NAXIS2intLength of data in axis 2 pixelpos.wcs.naxis
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status meta.code
psf_radiusfloatSeeing FWHM arcsecinstr.det.psf
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag meta.code
swarpconfSwarpConfigThe Swarp configuration file
weightWeightFrameThe regridded WeightFrame object
ZEROPNTfloatZeropoint of this image magarith.zp
ZPNTERRfloatZeropoint error magstat.error arith.zp

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