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SourceList Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnitVO-UCD
associatelistintALID (AssociateList identifier) that was used to create this CombinedList
astrom_paramsAstrometricParametersInformation about the derived astrometry
chipChipInformation about the chip instr.det meta.id
COMBINE_METHODintMethod that was used to create this CombinedList
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created time.epoch
detection_frameBaseFrameOptional second frame used in Sextractor double image mode
filenamestrThe name of the associated file meta.id meta.file
filterFilterInformation about the filter instr.filter meta.id
filtersstrFilters for which columns are present in this CombinedList
frameBaseFrameA BaseFrame object (source of the catalog)
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage meta.id
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument instr.obsty
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) meta.code
llDECfloatDeclination of lower left containing box degpos.eq.dec
llRAfloatRight Ascension of lower left containing box degpos.eq.ra
lrDECfloatDeclination of lower right containing box degpos.eq.dec
lrRAfloatRight Ascension of lower right containing box degpos.eq.ra
namestrName of the sourcelist meta.id
number_of_sourcesintNumber of sources arith.factor
OBJECTstrObject name meta.id
process_paramsSourceListParametersProcessing parameters
sexconfSextractorConfigSextractor configuration parameters
sexparamstrAdditional extraction parameters
SLIDintSourceList identifier meta.id
sourcesobjectlist_typeSourceList documentation
ulDECfloatDeclination of upperer left containing box degpos.eq.dec
ulRAfloatRight Ascension of upper left containing box degpos.eq.ra
urDECfloatDeclination of upper right containing box degpos.eq.dec
urRAfloatRight Ascension of upper right containing box degpos.eq.ra

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