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RawScienceFrame Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnitVO-UCD
AIRMENDfloatAirmass at end of observation obs.airMass
AIRMSTRTfloatAirmass at start of observation obs.airMass
astromAstromInformation about the astrometry
chipChipInformation about the chip instr.det meta.id
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created time.epoch
DATEdatetimeUTC date the original data file was saved time.obs
DATE_OBSdatetimeUTC date at the start of the observation time.obs
EXPTIMEfloatTotal observation time sectime.expo
extensionintThe extension to extract meta.fits
filenamestrThe name of the associated file meta.id meta.file
filterFilterInformation about the filter instr.filter meta.id
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage meta.id
imstatImstatImage statistics for the frame
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument instr.obsty
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) meta.code
LSTfloatLocal sidereal time at the start of the observation expressed as the number of seconds (a float) since UTC midnight sectime
MJD_OBSfloatModified Julian date at the start of the observation (JD-2400000.5) daytime_obs
NAXIS1intLength of data in axis 1 pixelpos.wcs.naxis
NAXIS2intLength of data in axis 2 pixelpos.wcs.naxis
OBJECTstrObject name meta.id
OBSERVERstrThe observer obs.observer
observing_blockObservingBlockInformation about the observing block
overscan_x_statImstatStatistics of the overscan region in the x-direction
overscan_y_statImstatStatistics of the overscan region in the x-direction
OVSCXintNumber of overscan pixels in the x direction pixelinstr.pixel instr.setup
OVSCXPREintNumber of overscan pixels to skip in the x direction at the edge of the chip pixel
OVSCXPSTintNumber of overscan pixels to skip in the x direction at the edge of the data region pixel
OVSCYintNumber of overscan pixels in the y direction pixelinstr.pixel instr.setup
OVSCYPREintNumber of overscan pixels to skip in the y direction at the edge of the chip pixel
OVSCYPSTintNumber of overscan pixels to skip in the y direction at the edge of the data region pixel
prescan_x_statImstatStatistics of the prescan region in the x-direction
prescan_y_statImstatStatistics of the prescan region in the y-direction
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status meta.code
PRSCXintNumber of prescan pixels in the x-direction pixelinstr.pixel instr.setup
PRSCXPREintNumber of prescan pixels to skip in the x-direction at the edge of the chip pixel
PRSCXPSTintNumber of prescan pixels to skip in the x-direction at the edge of the data region pixel
PRSCYintNumber of prescan pixels in the y-direction pixelinstr.pixel instr.setup
PRSCYPREintNumber of prescan pixels to skip in the y-direction at the edge of the chip pixel
PRSCYPSTintNumber of prescan pixels to skip in the y-direction at the edge of the data region pixel
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag meta.code
raw_fits_dataRawFitsDataThe multi-extension raw image
templateTemplateInformation about the template
UTCfloatUniversal Coordinated Time (UTC) at the start of the observation expressed as the number of seconds (a float) since UTC midnight sectime

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