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GalPhotModel Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnitVO-UCD
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created time.epoch
D25floatDiameter at which surface brightness is 25mag/arcsec^2 arcsec
D26floatDiameter at which surface brightness is 26mag/arcsec^2 arcsec
D27floatDiameter at which surface brightness is 27mag/arcsec^2 arcsec
dD25floatError in D25 arcsec
dD26floatError in D26 arcsec
dD27floatError in D27 arcsec
dmu10floatError in mu10 mag / arcsec**2
dmu3floatError in mu3 mag / arcsec**2
dmu5floatError in mu5 mag / arcsec**2
ellipsesGalPhotEllipseList of ellipses
epsfloatGlobal ellipticity (median of ellipses)
filenamestrThe name of the associated file meta.id meta.file
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage meta.id
GPIDintGalphot ID
GPID_inintIdentifier of GalPhotModel to be used as initial estimate (i.e. the "intable")
GPLIDintGalphot List identifier
imstatImstatImage statistics for the frame
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) meta.code
maskPixelMapFinal mask used (and written as output) by Galphot
mu10floatAverage central surface brightness within 10 arcsec diameter mag / arcsec**2
mu3floatAverage central surface brightness within 3 arcsec diameter mag / arcsec**2
mu5floatAverage central surface brightness within 5 arcsec diameter mag / arcsec**2
NAXIS1intLength of data in axis 1 pixelpos.wcs.naxis
NAXIS2intLength of data in axis 2 pixelpos.wcs.naxis
posfloatGlobal position angle (median of ellipses)
process_paramsGalPhotParametersProcessing parameters
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status meta.code
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag meta.code
sersic_dmufloatError in sersic_mu mag / arcsec**2
sersic_dNfloatError in sersic_N
sersic_drefloatError in sersic_re arcsec
sersic_mufloatSurface brightness at the effective radius of Sersic profile fitted to the ellipses mag / arcsec**2
sersic_NfloatConcentration index N of Sersic profile fitted to the ellipses
sersic_refloatEffective radius of Sersic profile fitted to the ellipses arcsec
SIDintSource identifier meta.id
SLIDintSourceList identifier meta.id

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