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PreastromConfig Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnitVO-UCD
AFFINE_PARSfloatList of Parameters for the affine transformation (a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2)
FLAG_MASKfloatThe SExtractor mask to select objects for astrometric pairing: Flag & FLAG_MASK
MAX_OFFSETfloatMaximum allowed offset between extracted and reference objects pixel
MIN_OBJintThe minimum number of reference objects required to determine affine transformation
MIN_PHOTSfloatList of photometric parameter limits for pairing with reference objects
PHOTstrName of the table column containing object flux measures
POS_ERRORfloatPositional error between extracted and reference objects pixel
RMS_TOLfloatRMS tolerenace for triangulation matching arcsec
SEL_MINintMinimum number of objects used in triangulation method
XMAXfloatMaximum X-coordinate allowed in pairing
XMINfloatMinimum X-coordinate allowed in pairing
XPIXSIZEfloatThe scaling of pixels with which CDELT1 is multiplied
YMAXfloatMaximum Y-coordinate allowed in pairing
YMINfloatMinimum Y-coordinate allowed in pairing
YPIXSIZEfloatThe scaling of pixels with which CDELT2 is multiplied

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