ANALYSIS_THRESH | float | Threshold at which CLASS_STAR and FWHM_ operate | mag / arcsec^2 | instr.sensitivity obs.param |
BACK_FILTERSIZE | int | Size of background-filtering mask | background mesh | obs.param |
BACK_SIZE | int | Size of a background mesh | pixel | obs.param |
BACK_TYPE | str | The type of background subtracted from the images (AUTO, MANUAL) | | TEXT |
BACK_VALUE | float | The constant value to be subtracted from the images if BACK_TYPE is MANUAL | | |
BACKPHOTO_THICK | int | Thickness of the background LOCAL annulus | pixel | obs.param |
BACKPHOTO_TYPE | str | Background used to compute magnitudes (GLOBAL, LOCAL) | | meta.code obs.param |
CATALOG_NAME | str | Name of the output catalog | | meta.dataset meta.file |
CATALOG_TYPE | str | Format of the output catalog (ASCII, ASCII_HEAD, ASCII_SKYCAT, ASCII_VOTABLE, FITS_1.0, FITS_LDAC) | | meta |
CHECKIMAGE_NAME | str | Filename for the check-image | | meta.file |
CLEAN | str | Clean the catalog before writing to disk (Y, N) | | meta.code obs.param |
CLEAN_PARAM | float | Efficiency of cleaning | | meta |
DEBLEND_MINCONT | float | Minimum contrast parameter for deblending | | obs.param arith.ratio |
DEBLEND_NTHRESH | int | Number of deblending sub-thresholds | | meta.number obs.param |
DETECT_MINAREA | int | Minimum number of pixels above threshold triggering detection | pixel | phys.area obs.param |
DETECT_THRESH | float | Detection threshold relative to background RMS (when THRESH_TYPE is RELATIVE) | | instr.sensitivity obs.param |
DETECT_TYPE | str | Type of device that produced the image (CCD, PHOTO) | | meta.code instr.det obs.param |
FILTER | str | Apply filtering to the data before extraction (Y, N) | | instr.filter |
FILTER_NAME | str | Name of file contianing the filter definition | | instr.filter, |
FILTER_THRESH | float | Lower and higher thresholds (in background standard deviations) for a pixel to be considered in filtering | | |
FLAG_IMAGE | str | filename of the flag-image | | obs.image meta.fits |
FLAG_TYPE | str | Combination method for flags on the same object (OR, AND, MIN, MAX, MOST) | | meta.code |
GAIN | float | Conversion factor used for error estimates of CCD magnitudes | e^- / ADU | instr.param obs.param |
MAG_GAMMA | float | Gamma of the emulsion (when DETECT_TYPE is PHOTO) | | phot.calib obs.param |
MAG_ZEROPOINT | float | Zero-point offset to be applied to magnitudes | mag | phot.calib phot.mag obs.param |
MASK_TYPE | str | Method of masking of neighbors for photometry (NONE, BLANK, CORRECT) | | meta.code obs.param |
MEMORY_BUFSIZE | int | Number of scan-lines in the image buffer | | meta.number obs.param |
MEMORY_OBJSTACK | int | Maximum number of objects that the object-stack can contain | | meta.number src obs.param |
MEMORY_PIXSTACK | int | Maximum number of pixels that the pixel-stack can contain | | meta.number obs.param |
PARAMETERS_NAME | str | Name of the file containing the list of parameters that will be computed and put into the catalog for each object | | obs.param meta.file |
PHOT_APERTURES | int | MAG_APER aperture diameter | pixel | obs.param |
PHOT_AUTOAPERS | float | MAG_AUTO minimum circular aperture diameters (estimation disk, measurement disk) | | |
PHOT_AUTOPARAMS | float | MAG_AUTO controls (scaling parameter k of the first order moment and minimum R_min in units of A and B) | | |
PIXEL_SCALE | float | Pixel size | arcsec / pixel | instr.scale obs.param |
SATUR_LEVEL | float | Pixel value above which it is considered saturated (in applicable units) | | instr.saturation phot.count obs.param |
SEEING_FWHM | float | FWHM of stellar sources (for star/galaxy separation only) | arcsec | instr.det.psf stat.mean obs.param |
STARNNW_NAME | str | Name of the file containing the neural-network weights for star/galaxy separation | | meta.dataset meta.file obs.param |
THRESH_TYPE | str | Meaning of DETECT_THRESH and ANALYSIS_THRESH parameters (RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE) | | meta.code instr.sensitivity obs.param |
VERBOSE_TYPE | str | Verbosity level (QUIET, NORMAL, EXTRA_WARNINGS, FULL) | | meta.code |